
10080802英文作業-End Times? Texas Lake Turns Blood-Red

End Times? Texas Lake Turns Blood-Red


A Texas lake that turned blood-red this summer may not be a sign of the End Times, but probably is the end of a popular fishing and recreation spot.


A drought has left the OC Fisher Reservoir in San Angelo State Park in West Texas almost entirely dry. The water that is left is stagnant, full of dead fish — and a deep, opaque red.

乾旱導致西德州San Angelo國家公園的OC釣魚湖幾乎完全乾涸。死水中充滿了死魚還有不透明的深紅色。

The color has some apocalypse believers suggesting that OC Fisher is an early sign of the end of the world, but Texas Parks and Wildlife Inland Fisheries officials say the bloody look is the result of Chromatiaceae bacteria, which thrive in oxygen-deprived water.


"It's just heartbreaking," said Charles Cruz, a fish and wildlife technician with Texas Parks and Wildlife in San Angelo, Tex.

「好心碎啊!」Charles Cruz說,他是一名漁夫,也是德州公園和野生湖魚類機構的野生科學家。

Texas is experiencing major drought this summer, with 75 percent of the state's area in an "exceptional" drought, the highest level, according to the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC). The state had hoped for some relief from Tropical Storm Don last week, but the system fizzled and brought only an inch or two of rain to areas near the coast.

德州今夏面臨了嚴重的乾旱,75%的此州土地皆被國際乾旱紓解中心標記在最高層級的「特殊乾旱」中。德州原本希望能從上星期的Tropical Storm Don颶風中得到紓解,但風暴系統瓦解了,而且只在海岸旁帶來1~2英吋的雨量。

The drought has taken its toll on a number of reservoirs in West Texas, Cruz told LiveScience. OC Fisher has never been completely full, Cruz said, but it was stocked with catfish, bass, sunfish and other popular targets for fishermen.


"We surveyed the lake, I believe it was last year, and we had a pretty good fish population out there," Cruz said. "It was pretty sickening going out there, watching lake levels just drop and drop and drop and seeing these nice trophy-sized bass just floating dead."


As of last week, all that remained of the lake was a small pond a few feet deep, Cruz said. There were thousands of dead fish, he said, but no sign of life.


Pictures of this blood-red pool circulated online in fishing forums and caught the notice of Indiana preacher Paul Begley, who said in a YouTube video that the lake might be evidence of the apocalypse as predicted by the Biblical book of Revelation. [End of the World? Top Doomsday Fears]

血紅色的池子的照片被放上釣魚論壇,引起印第安酋長Paul Begley的注意,他說那是啟示錄裡所寫的,世界末日的徵兆。

"The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died," the passage Begley cited reads. "The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood." 


Begley may not have any more luck at predicting the end of the world than did Harold Camping, the radio preacher who set the date for May 21, 2011. But for as long as the drought persists, the OC Fisher reservoir is a reservoir no longer.

Begley對於世界末日的預測也許不會比Harold Camping更引人注目,這位電台主持人說2011年的521日就是世界末日。但只要乾旱繼續持續,這個湖也許很快就不會是個湖了。

"I don't know what's left in there now. We haven't been back," Cruz said. "But I would guess it's probably pretty much gone already."



2 則留言:

  1. 哦~不錯哦,妳還有興緻玩英翻~

  2. Re: chensui <1308557772281346004>

